Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's starting...

So last night I realized that I'm not bothered by my port anymore. I don't mind laying on it now, it's sort of a part of me now. Hmm.

Holidays were good, Alexis' boyfriend Guillem came in from Spain to surprise her for Christmas, that was fun and we all enjoyed his visit.  I was able to see most of the family, so it was a Christmas. I have been sick since New Year's Eve, and today I am in the hospital for blood work. It's really nice here, everyone is so kind.

So it started. Every morning since chemo started I do my daily "hair check", I just run my fingers thru my hair with a little pull, every morning I see nothing in my hands and then I do the sign of relief.
This morning there were about 20 hairs... So it's starting. Chemo one week from today.
Happy new year xoxox


  1. When Heather's mom lost her hair from chemo, she stood outside and pulled it all out and left it for the birds to make nests out of. Hers kind of all came out at once though. I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
    Love you cuz! After this, only 10 more treatments, right?? That's nothing!

  2. G.I. Beth! We’ll have you doing one-handed pushups with the boys in no time! Seriously though, you are stunning. People don’t say you look like Angelina for nothing! That beauty could never change, no matter what your hair is doing.

    There are lots of things you CAN control- being healthy will bring back your hair and energy. So keep moving, keep eating the right stuff. Keep hanging out with crazy wonderful support system you have. Losing your hair is part of the process of getting better, and in that sense I guess we should embrace it.

    I love you! B

  3. Nah - that just means you are getting old. :)
