About Me

My name is Bethany, I am 33 and was just diagnosed with stage 4 NH lymphoma 2 weeks ago. I have the perfect support group around me! An incredible daughter, wonderful husband, amazing parents, beautiful sisters, the greatest friends and co-workers anyone could ask for, I love them all so much.

Why am I blogging? This whole cancer thing is very new to me. To be honest, I dont know much about it. I ran my butt off in several cancer races, made donations, donated hair in the past to locks of love... but I really know nothing about cancer. A little disappointed in myself that as many people in this world who are affected by it, I know so little.

I have been asked so many questions from so many caring people I figured a blog would be the best way all for my friends and family, near and far, could check in with me and see how amazing I am doing with my life and treatments.

Enjoy xoxox,


  1. Oh my goodness, I had no idea! If there is anything I can do to help you and your family, please let me know! I LOVE your positive attitude!!! Keep it going strong, it will help you more than you know. KICK CANCER'S ASS GIRL!!!!

  2. Judy and Lavern12/07/2012 7:10 PM

    My Dear Bethany, This is shocking news to me and I will call Mom Lavern Walters to let her know asap. We Love You and know how Brave You Are which is Good. BUT Don't forget we are here to help any way we can. I will be praying and calling upon JESUS for healing your body. Thank you for keeping us posted through your blog. Eat Live Foods and no no no absolutely no sugar. Cancer thrives on sugar but cannot live in a oxygen rich body. There is a vitamin called Chlorella which is excellent to take along with Flaxseed Oil. Enriching your body with oxygen filled, live foods is best best best. Veggies, fruits (not to many due to sugars). I did alot of research when my uncle had cancer and everything went into remission when he ate healthy and alive foodsd. LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU Judy Walters

  3. Bethany, I was actually just reading up on a few of your posts and had quick question about your blog. I was hoping you could email me back when you get the chance, thanks~

