Why me?
No real family history, the doctors tested me for every immune diease out there and all the test came back negitive, I am otherwise very healthy, hell I just rode a 200 mile bike ride in 3 days, if I was healthy enough to do that, why in the world do I have cancer?

After I got the call from my general doctor as I sat working in my DC office the Monday morning before thanksgiving, I cried, only for about 5 minutes. Then I stopped feeling sorry for myself and got to work. Made a few calls and hugged a few co-workers while my amazing team of doctors called and made appointments for me to see my new oncologist. They were able to get me in that Friday, so I was excited to find out what was next. The following week was a bone marrow biopsy and the day after I received my very sexy port in my chest. Ok it's not sexy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bethany! I totally had no clue of your diagnose. You are so upbeat, vibrant and strong! You did the best thing from the start; Not claiming this terrible disease! Hang in there girl! You have my love, support and prayers. You are in my mind and heart.
    Love You! Angelica
