Thursday, April 25, 2013

Good news/bad news. Which do you want first?

I said the bad news. Dr said how about the good news first? I was like, nope I want the bad news first thanks. Of course I got the good news.
Ct scan results are back after todays tests. Still in remission, whoo hoo! Tumors are just about all gone, one in my belly that is at 3cm and that's about it.
What's the bad news?
Oh there is a golf ball sized blood clot in your heart. And we already have a room waiting for you at the hospital. Head there now.
So there is this golf ball in something that is the size of my fist. Sitting at Siani, admitted and waiting. Laying in a bed that is got air in it so each time I move it inflates and deflates automatically. Annoying as hell.
Got to Siani, a wonderful hospital I might add. People here are awesome. Drs are completely on top of this. And apparently I am interesting and causing all kinds of attention and interest from all the doctors.
So when I arrived I was lead to my private room with a view. Nurses came to whisk me away to get scans. Of course the scan with the huge golf ball was enough to cause a stir so the nurses called the dr in with "you have got to see this".
So they are pretty sure it's a clot and pretty sure it's not fully attached so there are two options.... And tomorrows scope will determine what happens.
Tomorrow I will be put to sleep, a scope down my throat and they will see from the inside what is happening. If its a clot and its attached pretty well to the wall then I will sit here and continue to get blood thinners (which is happening now) then go home and have to give myself injections twice a day for 3 months or so.
But if its loose which is what the scans today seemed to point to then they will have to do open heart surgery to remove it.
But hey my cancer is gone and that's pretty damn cool. :)

It's been a long day. Xoxoxo


  1. Wow poor thing you can't get a break. I'll be thinking of you and your family.

  2. You are very brave. Thanks for sharing your journey. Glad to hear the cancer is in remission. Continue to stay strong and as Drs. plan to remove the blood clot I am wishing them skill and expertise so you will recover.

  3. Hugs and Prayers of strength going out to you. Hope you get some good news soon

  4. I have tried to send a comment twice now, the one was real long but I keep hitting something & everything is deleted. But anyways... Bethany, I didn't even know you had cancer. I am so happy your in remissio though, but I am so sorry about the blood clot. I truly hope everything works out & goes perfect. God bless you Bethany. I will pray for & so will Hope, we pray together every night. Try to stay positive. God is good!
